Ho! Ho! Ho! It is Christmastime!
Such a lovely time of year.
But what’s this season all about?
That, my little Owinn is why I’m here!
Since I’m going to be around for a while
I think we should make friends
Pick out a name for me
And let the fun begin!
Ah yes, _________________
That’s what I shall be called
Now on to our journey
The Christmas mystery shall be solved
Tall green trees
And bright, shining lights
A man in a red suit
Who comes down the chimney at night
Those are all exciting
It’s quite magical to play
But my darling, little one
There’s something more to Christmas Day
There’s a man named Jesus
His birthday will be here lickety-split
He’s the reason we celebrate
He’s the purpose for all of it!
He was carried by a virgin
He was born in a manger
But somehow, to the world
He has become a stranger
Not for you though, Owinn
We will make sure to remember
That Jesus Christ is the reason
For all the joy of December
From now until His birthday
I’ll visit you each morning
And teach you about the miracle
Of the Christmas story
I only ask one thing, my friend
As you learn and grow
Share the REAL Christmas story
With everyone you know!
love! love! love it! It's so important to teach our kiddos the real reason for the season. So proud of you!