Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Elf On a Mission: Update 2, Day 5 #epicfail

Day 5: FAIL-La-La-La-La

While the Smith family Christmas tree is waiting to be purchased, Cereal left a shiney little evergreen atop Owinn's dresser this morning. Owinn seemed a little bit more interested in Cereal’s whereabouts this morning. I think because Cereal went to sleep with her but had relocated.
Before I proceed, you must know that I have compiled a spreadsheet of all of Cereal’s antics and their meanings from the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas Day. Today, I was supposed to help Owinn make the connection between Christ and the Christmas tree.


EPIC mom fail.

 Once upon a time, I was a fourth-grade teacher. Teaching analogies to fourth graders is a challenge. Teaching analogies to a two-year-old … maybe I didn’t think this one through. Even as I searched far and wide to find a solid connection, this tree has become a thorn in my side. My Poppy preached once about “sacred cows”. Maybe not to you, but to me, the Christmas tree has become a sacred cow- I put it up and decorate it because, well, because they’re beautiful! But the truth is, I don’t even know the connection.

After stumbling to tell Owinn, “Cereal left this beautiful tree because … because … because … well, because Jesus’ birthday is coming!” Um no! If I go to be with the Lord soon, please rally around my daughter and make sure she learns to question statements like that. In fact, pray she questions everything anyway. … but only after my first cup of coffee. Thanks.

As day 5 retired, I spent some more time digging.

Fantastic, the tree began as a pagan symbol. Mom of the year right here!

Dig a little deeper. Dig a little deeper.

Dig out Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The Greek word Xulon essentially refers to anything made of wood. While it was most often used to refer the cross of crucifixion, we also find the word used to name trees. Christ is often compared to a tree. For example, Hosea 14:8 reads “ … I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found.” I’ll take it! It’s a stretch for putting up an elaborate tree, but I’ll take it!

Moving forward, I intend to reteach the meaning of the Christmas tree … or, at least the meaning we have created. I still think the message is a little complex for a two-year-old, but I’ll reteach it nonetheless. I’ll also consider removing the “tree day” should Cereal visit us again next year or at least until my pupil is a bit older.

What exactly is the purpose of YOUR tree? I’m eager to learn more about the symbolism of these beautiful trees. Are they, in fact, sacred cows? So many questions. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Elf on a Mission: Update 1

Well, we’re almost a week deep into Elf on a Mission. I’m prayerful that my pursuit of teaching a toddler the Christmas story is “sticking” and also that I won’t forget another day and have to double up allowing our little elf pal to make an appearance after naptime.

Day 1: And Her Name Shall Be Called … Cereal

Owinn awoke the day after Thanksgiving to a little elf bearing a poem. We read the poem together, tossed the elf around a bit, and after much encouragement, Owinn finally settled on a name for the little elf. She shall be called “Cereal”. Leave it to my child’s limited vocabulary to settle on a carb. I’ll be honest, her interest level doesn’t seem to be worth the time I’ve already invested in this little hat-wearing toy, but I shall continue to keep “watering the harvest”.

Day 2: Kicked Back with Hot Cocoa

Cereal made herself right at home this morning. When Owinn arrived at the breakfast table, Cereal had prepared some steamy hot cocoa topped with fluffy marshmallows. What a lovely surprise that she dropped a couple sugary sweets just in arm’s reach for chubby little fingers to snatch and add to her hot chocolate as well! Then, Cereal read to us Away in a Manger as we enjoyed our frothy treat. Because she’s already quite fascinated by babies, today’s take away was saying “Baby Jesus”. We’ll take what we can get!

Day 3: Messy Little Manger

“No! Mess! No!” Cereal tried to recreate a manger. The pine needles, which double as hay for us city-dwellers, were not welcomed by little miss Owinn. She did not appreciate the mess that our friend, Cereal, left in the living room. After tidying up our shoebox manger, we referred to the pictures of Baby Jesus in yesterday’s book and talked about how He wasn’t born in a place where He had a soft Elsa pillow or a warm, cozy blanket. Instead, he was born in a manger. We felt the “hay” and learned that it was rough, not soft. Today’s take away were the words “manger” and “rough”, and I think she may have understood that conditions of being born in a manger weren’t quite pleasant.

Day 4: Sugar & Spice, Not Very Nice

“Uh oh!” Cereal was at it again today with her messy antics. Owinn instantly grabbed the Windex to clean up the sugar angel created by our little friend. She refrained from destroying my … I mean, Cereal’s creation until after we read Luke 1:26-38. We talked about how the angel came to announce that Mary would have a son named Jesus. Our take away was saying “angel”. She went back to the book we’ve been referencing this week Away in a Manger and pointed out baby Jesus again. I think we’re making connections!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Elf on a ... Mission

By: Payton M. Smith

Ho! Ho! Ho! It is Christmastime!
Such a lovely time of year.
But what’s this season all about?
That, my little Owinn is why I’m here!

Since I’m going to be around for a while
I think we should make friends
Pick out a name for me
And let the fun begin!

Ah yes, _________________
That’s what I shall be called
Now on to our journey
The Christmas mystery shall be solved

Tall green trees
 And bright, shining lights
A man in a red suit
Who comes down the chimney at night
Those are all exciting
It’s quite magical to play
But my darling, little one
There’s something more to Christmas Day

There’s a man named Jesus
His birthday will be here lickety-split
He’s the reason we celebrate
He’s the purpose for all of it!

He was carried by a virgin
He was born in a manger
But somehow, to the world
He has become a stranger

Not for you though, Owinn
We will make sure to remember
That Jesus Christ is the reason
For all the joy of December

From now until His birthday
I’ll visit you each morning
And teach you about the miracle
Of the Christmas story

I only ask one thing, my friend
As you learn and grow
Share the REAL Christmas story
With everyone you know!