Pitch dark. Creaky doors. Deathly chills. Spooky sounds. Shrieking screams. I’ve been through the mazed hallways of countless haunted houses. I confess, I’m often frightened by the ghouls, ghosts, and goblins that threaten their wicked ways upon all passersby. I learned early on, though, that the scariest part is always the experience of being startled or surprised. You never know what is around the next corner…
My solution to this sneaky realization is always to remind myself that from the front door of this treacherous place, throughout the monster-infested abode, all the way through the back door that concludes my risk for danger, those crazy lunatics can’t hurt, take, or even touch me. I’m protected. Instead, I’m confident that regardless of what kind of ogre tries to throw me off path, eventually the sudden twists and turns will concede and I will at last grasp the safe haven of light through the back door. I’ve blindly conquered the unknown and defeated the terror of mystery. I suppose the same is true of life. While traveling down the path of purpose, there is no way to predict what waits ahead. Instead, we’re left no choice but to keep on keeping on facing all the fast balls, curve balls, or whatever else may come our way. You never know what is around the next corner…
I played tee-ball as a child, but that’s about as far as my baseball expertise extends. Sometimes I want to scream to the world, “I’m not a baseball player. Enough with the curve balls already.” As you know, however, the pitches will continue coming across the plate. And though we’d like to see pitches that we can successfully knock out of the park, there are times when we’re going to be terrified of what’s coming our way. Our best option, swing batter batter batter swing! Don’t sit idly by and watch the less desirable sneak across until you strike out.
There’s hope in knowing that all these crazy situations we face, can change in a split second much to our pleasant surprise. A new job opportunity. A clear bill of health. A financial blessing. Be patient in hope. Sometimes life’s sweetest surprises are disguised as the ugliest curve balls. Step up to the plate. It’s ball time!
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