By: Payton M. Ishmael
For as long as I can remember, my favorite shopping partner has been and will remain to be my Anna. I cringe to think of what my wardrobe might consist of had it not been for her guidance. Granted, there have been a few times we’ve disagreed, primarily when silly trends hit the department stores. For the most part, however, we agree on the same stores, styles, and purchases. Like so many other obsessive shoppers, we seem to face tragedy when we’re looking for something in particular. We can browse every aisle of a dozen boutiques to turn up empty handed and absent of that one particular item for which we’re looking. It’s when we’re not looking for a specific item that the very best ensembles sneak up on us.
I recall the most fruitless search to be the day we set out shopping for clothes to wear for sorority recruitment. We visited our very most favorite retailers, but just couldn’t seem to find the perfect outfits. We exhausted all possible resources to conquer our mission, but all attempts lead to no avail. We employed the assistance of sales associates, browsed from every display to rack, and even made vain attempts at trying on clothes in hopes they looked better on-person than on-hanger. Mission: aborted because we refused to fail.
Then there are the absolutely glorious days when a simple stroll through the mall produces a shopping spree of the most holy kind. My claim hints no exaggeration. These experiences are positively Heavenly. Again, Anna and I made the entrepreneurial decision to aid in boosting the U.S. economy, so we chose the only retail avenue where we could most assuredly do our part; North Park. Our mission was simple; to enjoy the day stress-free with no intended item in mind except for the inevitable daily dose of java. For some reason, there seems always to be a golden light gleaming from within BCBG. This day the aura of the place compelled our visitation. My fitting room was full before I even made it through half of the store. I was enamored by so many dresses that it required decision-making. This was much opposite the afore-mentioned shopping day. Still hanging in my closet today are the black and blue off-the shoulder and the rose, halter neck dresses. The taste of those finds was made oh so sweet because we weren’t even looking for them.
Jobs. Friends. Clothes. Good Deals. Love. Blessings. It seems so many of life’s gifts grace our lives when we’re not looking, searching, or anticipating their arrival. It’s a waste to spend our whole lives searching, when there’s so much living to do. Seeking success, looking for love, and hunting for happiness can become a fatally detrimental lifestyle. There’s no use in squandering time on something we have no control over. Instead, I suggest that we seize the day, take advantage of every opportunity, and capture every monumental moment. As we live this life to the very fullest, we’ll be amazed by all the wonders that show up when we’re not even looking.