Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Somewhere in the "In-Between"

By: Payton M. Ishmael

I’m not a fortune-teller or gypsy. Although the nomadic lifestyle of a gypsy would suit me well. Move around from place-to-place embracing a variety of cultures, people, and undoubtedly food. I’m an axis to the same-ole, same-ole sort of living. A great deal of my 26 years has been spent packing or unpacking. Although I’m not a huge fan of settling in, it’s the short spans than fall “in between” on which I thrive.

My first vacation without adult supervision was the summer of 2003. Although I was elated about traveling on my own agenda, it was the idea of encountering a whole new world that excited me most. I will never forget how my soul bubbled over with enthusiasm as I boarded the plane. I’ll be honest, I had a rough itinerary in which my friend and I were to follow; England, Germany, Switzerland, France. It was traveling the streets of Berlin, though, that I saw the sign; “BOOK YOUR TRIP TO ROME TODAY!” I don’t take orders very well, but I felt compelled to do exactly what the sign in the travel agency’s window instructed. The next day, I toured the Colosseum, saw an opera, and ate the most delicious pasta that Italy had to offer. The boys we met at the opera were quite pleasing to the eyes. The best part was that they didn’t speak a lick of English. If we wanted to communicate, we used broken Spanish learned in Mrs. Langford’s high school Spanish class. I told my parents about my side-trip only after I returned to America.

The very next summer, I was unescorted to Mexico with a childhood friend. Again here, we pushed the limits of parental instruction by getting off the resort. What’s the use in going to Mexico if you’re going to stay on a resort with people from your own country? We, therefore, went culture seeking. We embraced each moment and practiced not only high school Spanish, but also what we’d learned our first year of college.

Again, a couple years later, I was fortunate enough to study abroad. The trip consisted of England and France. By now, I hope you know that I didn’t stay in England and France. This time, I enjoyed the breath-taking castles, exquisite foliage, and rich history of Scotland. I, of course, embraced the tourist traps, but spent even more time, once again, culture-seeking. To my dismay, they speak English with a tragic accent. When in Rome, do as the Romans. I spoke English with a tragic Scottish accent. I wonder if anyone picked up on the sheer Texas beneath my façade.

I have packed and I unpacked, time and again, on these trips among several others and in addition to quite a few moves as well. It was what took place in between my happenings with suitcase that made my trips special. Just last week, I was beyond blessed to spend time in New York City with my grandparents. Planes, bus transports, and taxi rides really took it out of us, but the ‘in between’ provided the memories, the learning, and the laughter that will ever remain priceless.

The ‘in between’ becomes a prevalent stage in life. From the time we arrived on this curious planet, until the time they put our bodies to rest, is but a breath. Again here, it’s the in between that counts. Embrace opportunities. Laugh out loud. Think the unthinkable.

If you don’t jump, you’ll never know if you can fly!” – Miranda Lambert

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