Thursday, June 10, 2010

"She's book smart, but not a lot of common sense..."

...and so the story goes.

In order to prevent myself from becoming completely useless this summer, I decided to create a 'Summer 2010' bucket list. One thing turned in to another and now not only do I have a list of projects that I want to accomplish, but a nice, little blog to record the adventure.

First in line: Snapping Green Beans.

The original goal here was to learn how to can green beans, but this was deemed too dangerous by Anna. All of you who know her will agree that she's boss and what she says goes. Instead, I settled for learning how to snap these delicious treats. I love vegetables so I'm a huge fan of the lush garden Anna and Poppy have raised this year. Growing behind their Canton home, you can find many of the vegetables that top my list, however, green beans have always maintained the number one spot on my list and in my mouth.

I felt quite accomplished the last week of school when my Summer Bucket List was addressed before summer had even arrived. I think Anna was more excited than I was about having someone else to snap the enormous amount of green beans she picks everyday. I showed up to her house for an after school snack and a visit, and instead arrived to a huge bucket of green beans awaiting my snapping skills. I'd like to tell you that Anna told me what to do and I followed her instructions exactly, but that would be too easy. I was too busy digging in and trying to figure it out that I wasn't listening... imagine that. She finally said, "now stop for a minute and listen." I'm quite certain her tone of voice indicated that she was about to slap my hand.

After mastering her technique, I snapped the entire bucket of green beans as I visited with Anna over coffee. When I finished, my hands looked like I had been working in a field for a week without washing my hands. Welcome to east Texas.

Summer project # 1: Check
(And I'm still going to check with my mom to see if she will teach me how to can them)

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