I know that I’m not supposed to hate, however, I feel such strong disgust toward some things that I have to at least classify the attitude as hate.
1.) Texas Longhorns
2.) Chipped nail polish
3.) Anyone married to my Dad
Allow me to explain.
As a devoted fan and alumna of the University of Oklahoma, I utterly despise longhorns, two-fingered Texans, and that gaudy color of orange that UT fans wear. I expected, and my friends prayed, that my obsession for Oklahoma and consequential hatred towards TU would simmer down after graduation. To no one’s surprise, it’s done the exact opposite and instead developed ten-fold. I’ve even black listed my dear friend Greg Johnson for pursuing his MBA at that wretched institution down south.
I don’t have to explain that chipped nail polish is ugly and tacky. I understand that it’s inevitable sometimes, so wear close-toed shoes. For this, I allow a one day grace period for repair.
It all started with a pair of yellow socks. As an 8-year-old, I liked to think that I ran the show of my parents. They had divorced only two years prior, but I was determined that they truly loved each other and I had a master plan for making them realize that they belonged together forever. Everything was going according to plan until SHE showed up. It was a Sunday morning, like any other. Anna got Landon and I ready for the day. Immediately after Sunday school, I walked into the sanctuary with the sub-conscious intention of walking to Anna’s normal seat to sit by her. After all, I did this every Sunday. Then I turned the corner…
There she was. Her perfectly styled blonde hair, her impeccable figure, and smiling without a care in the world. WHY WAS THIS WOMAN SITTING NEXT TO MY DAD? I walked right by her and didn’t say a word. I couldn’t let this stupid woman come in and ruin my plan of getting my parents back together. She was a home wrecker and she didn’t fit into my plan. After church, she even had the audacity to join our family in the parsonage for lunch. Who cares that she rode there with my Dad! She could walk herself home in those entirely too cute shoes for all I cared. “Do you kids want to go to the zoo?” she asked. Landon, of course, was in love with her so he almost performed a back flip with excitement. Not me, I couldn’t let her know that the zoo was my favorite place to go. “My dad must have told her. She must have him brain washed to tell her everything he knows,” I thought to myself.
At this time in my life, I had three concerns in life; making sure I had straights A’s, swimming, and playing in the dirt. As long as my clothes were deemed cute by me, I didn’t care if the pieces matched. After all, Anna always told me that I made the outfit, the outfit didn’t make me. This particular day, I sported mustard yellow socks; you know, the kind you pull up as high as they’ll go and then fold them over. The woman who everyone seemed to love offered, “I have some extra socks here if you’d like to wear them.” I couldn’t figure out WHY she asked me that. Did she have a problem with my favorite yellow socks? I had just began laughing on the inside because I knew Anna would reprimand such rudeness from this stranger, instead she spoke for me, “Oh, that would be great! She would love to wear your socks!” I will not type the thoughts than raced through my mind at this time.
I’ve forever referred to this tragic Sunday as “The Day of the Yellow Socks.” It’s comparable to Doom’s Day in my mind. From that day forward, you could write a book of all the mean things that I did to Christy. Many can be seen on the three installments of Home Alone.
Just like with the zoo, Christy tried to find things to make Landon and me happy. Every attempt was successful, but I will NEVER admit that to anyone. One attempt outshines all the others though. I knew it was going to be a party in my mouth before it even hit my tongue; OREO. ICE CREAM. PIE. It was perfect in every way. I wish I could say I demanded it every other weekend when we visited, but I didn’t have to; she already had it made. Dang right she did!
A few years later, I got what I wanted. My dad and that stupid woman divorced. Only the truth is, I no longer wanted it. You see, before Christy came along, we didn’t see my dad every other weekend. She made sure we did. Before Christy, my dad had to pull my hair in an atrocious pony tail. Christy is responsible for getting rid of my famous spiral perm, I’ll never live down that hair style. As far as having a mom and a dad who lived in the same house, Christy provided us with the only thing close to normalcy we would ever have. It was my fault, and I knew it. I’ve spent all the post-divorce years making sure to love and appreciate Christy, who we now call Lana, the way I should have when she took care of Landon, my dad, and me.
For summer project #3, I attempted Lana’s Oreo ice cream pie. To me, it just didn’t taste the same. My taste tester, however, devoured two very large slices and exclaimed, “it doesn’t get any better this!”
Lesson Learned: It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, as long as you're 1.) a Texas Longhorn 2.) have chipped nail polish or 3.) marry my dad or even THINK about it… you’re on the list above.