Friday, February 4, 2011

Shaken, Not Stirred

What a week! As many of you have heard, public schools across the nation are facing federal and state budget cuts. School districts will now be required to do more with less; less money, less resources, less teachers. A campus-wide meeting and a district letter informing us that several teachers would be laid off was the kick-off to my Super Bowl week. Followed by a loss of 5 yards for hurt feelings, a fumble caused by an over priced oil change, and yet another penalty for my new front tires. Sound like a game to you? Not even close, that was barely the first quarter. Frozen pipes, lost electricity, and frigid weather contributed to an albeit severe loss of yardage this week.


In the pregame, otherwise known as the new year, I made some lofty commitments to myself and to the Lord in which I have every intention of keeping. A year that began with a refreshing sense of peace is facing a tumultuous defensive line and it's trying to deter me from breaking through to the end zone.

For the purpose of my pride and ego, I want you to picture that I painted on eye black beneath both eyes, gritted my teeth, and form tackled through everything I was facing. Although that would be a complete and total lie. The truth is, I hopped in my car on my lunch break, pressed the accelerator to 104 MPH (sorry Dad) and headed straight to the refuge of Anna and Poppy's house. I sobbed in panic and despair, tears as big as linebackers and sobs as loud as dog pile tackles.

For several days, I allowed the defense to lay me flat out play after play after play.

Finally, a time out was called from the sideline. "Payton, you're not the coach. Quit trying to run the game, you're being a ball hog. I'm the coach, I call the plays. You're here to take my direction and I'll make a path for you where ever the enemy strikes. It may not be a path you can see right now, but I know this game better than anyone else. Let me do my job."

You see, this week I've been shaken; upside down and inside out. I've seen character flaws come to surface that I need to address. Thankfully though, I've not been stirred. I know I have a purpose. I know I have a coach in the Lord who will call the plays for His glory. I simply have to follow His lead believing in faith that he is the author and finisher.

Just like touchdowns, blessings most often come in disguise.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Status Update

By: Payton M. Ishmael

It was the year 2004 nestled in Cambridge, Massachussetts that social networking would forever change communication for people of all generations. It was here that Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook, what is now a daily experience for most users.

I recruited a couple of my closest friends this week to conduct a little experiment. I asked them to send me some of the most haunting status updates they saw on Facebook in a given day. For those of you who do not make up one of over 6 million users, status updates take place when someone posts an announcement on their own page, which then filters into a newsfeed that becomes available for all of their “Facebook friends” to see. For the purpose of this article, names have been omitted to protect the innocent. Here’s what we found;

· “Having the worst week EVER!”

· “I think I’ve aged five years this week, ridiculously stressed.”

· “Now add that to a badly compressed disc in my back.”

· “Just can’t do enough :(

I admit it was extremely difficult to narrow down all the burdens bared and openly shared on Facebook. It seems as if they only got worse as the week progressed. Now, I’m not criticizing these people. We all have our bad days, but there’s a better solution than airing out your laundry or troubles on the Internet.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” – Psalm 55:22.

Believe it or not, God likes hearing from us. I remember as a child being told to talk to Him, just like I talk to my best friend. He knows our triumphs and troubles before we even face them, but He still delights in our communication with Him. Only He has the answers and the power to bring us through our storms. He is responsible for all the success and joy in our lives. Perhaps it’s time we update our status with the one who really matters, the one who truly cares.

“…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” – I Peter 5:7

Not So Hot Date

By: Payton M. Ishmael

I know they say you shouldn’t mix your personal and professional lives, for this though, I feel it necessary to make an exception. A while back, I went on a date. I looked forward to this time for several days, but all of my anticipation and excitement quickly dwindled when the evening finally arrived. I have a healthy self-esteem, and a great deal of self-respect. That being said, I require at least an equivalent of that amount of respect from any ‘gentleman’ I spend time with.

When we arrived, my date quickly forgot that I was present. In fact, I’m pretty sure that my existence was overlooked. Done, done, and done. A behavior lacking manners is not one I choose to associate with. The poor jerk had committed date-homicide. He noticed everyone and everything the entire evening except for me, and I was his date after all.

Sitting in church last Sunday night, the memory kept coming to the forefront of my mind and I simply couldn’t figure out why. It suddenly dawned on me. I come to church every week (most weeks anyway). My thought process is consumed; “I hope the teenagers are getting something from the Sunday school lesson. Did I remember to proofread the newsletter before I sent it to be printed? I love talking to people before church starts.”

It seems I’m guilty of neglecting my own date, my own purpose, my own reason for attending week after week. As Poppy/Brother Ishmael encouraged us to truly worship, not just go through the motions, I instantly knew that the thought meant something. Our experience when we enter this place of worship should have one sole and solitary purpose. All attention should be paid Him. He should be properly introduced to all who enter. Most of all, He should know that He is loved, admired, respected, held in esteem.

Gentlemen, I hope you’ve learned two lessons today.
(Written for House of Prayer newsletter)